February 23, 2025

All-star Nodes

I have several Allstar nodes which do different things. Below I will list each node and its functions.

  • 508530 – This node is my first and main node. Eventually it will have a radio put on it again but for now it is radioless and when linked with node 1999 it bridges allstar and DMR to talkgroup 50853 on TGIF Network. On Sundays at 8:30pm eastern you can connect to this node and hear the WCEC net on the WC8EC Repeater. It also has echolink available at KE8LCM-R and can also be called from AmateurWire on extension 90001
  • 508531 – This node is RF linked to the WC8EC repeater system in Parkersburg West Virginia. This is this nodes primary function and is always linked with the repeater. This node can be used via linking in with another allstar node, Echolink at KE8LCM-L and can also be called on AmateurWire by dialing 90002
  • 508532 – This node is a Allstar to YSF Bridge. This node is always connected to the US-KE8LCM-ASL YSF Reflector. Connecting your nodes to this node will pass all traffic through my YSF Reflector.
  • 508533 – This node is a multimode node mainly used to let people talk on several different talkgroups or ysf reflectors and even other allstar nodes. This node is meant to be used through the DVSwitch HTML Client or DVSwitch mobile app on Android phones. Using this node you can change from Allstar mode to DMR or YSF currently and connect to any talkgroup on TGIF or any YSF Reflector and talk on them. To do this requires an account so if you would like access to this node you must contact me to request to be added. You can go to the page and login with the default N0CALL and listen. To go to listen to this node go to https://bridge.ke8lcm.com
  • 508534 – This node is a analog to dmr bridge into my TGIF Talkgroup #30403 West Virginia StateWide.
  • 508535 – This node is an analog to dmr bridge to my TGIF Talkgroup #1980 for AmateurWire

If you would like to watch the supermon page for all my nodes and even nodes we host for other people go to http://allstar1.ke8lcm.com/supermon and be sure to click the link at the top that says all nodes.

The bridge nodes DVSwitch dashboard page can be found at http://bridge.ke8lcm.com

My YSF Reflector Dashboard can be found at http://ysf.ke8lcm.com:8080

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